Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Single Replacement

What determines whether one metal will replace another metal from a compound in a single-replacement reaction? Explain.


  1. Whether one metal will replace another is based upon the relative reactivites of the two metals. For example, the metal Lithium will displace the metal Zinc but Zinc won't displace lithium because of the order of the activity series.

  2. Anton Le Platte
    The reactivity determines whether or not a metal will replace another one in replacement reactions.

  3. Tracey, What is activity series?

  4. Anton, what do you mean by reactivity? Explain.

  5. The activity series is a list of elements in order of decreasing activty.

  6. Sataray Battle
    The thing that determines if a metal replaces another is the activity (or reactivity) series determines whether or not a metal will replace another one in a replacement reaction.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Shatema:
    Whether one metal will displace another metal from a compound depends upon the relative reactivities of the two metals. A reactive metal will replace any metal listed below it in the activity series. The activity series is a list of metals in order of decreasing reactivity.

  9. What determines if one metal replaces another deal with the relative activities or reactivities of the two metals. The best way to determine is by looking at the activity series, which is a list of metals in order of decreasing activity.

  10. Amanda Barnes
    what determines whether one metal will replace another metal from a compound is based on the relative reactivities of the two metals. The metal will be replaced if it is below the other metal on the activity series. The activity series is a list of metals in order of decreasing activity.
