Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chemical Reactions

1. What is a chemical reaction? How do you know that a chemical reaction has occurred? Describe the evidences.


  1. A chemical reaction is an action that takes place between chemicals that have certain properties that cause reactions that produce new substances. It is evident that the chemical reaction has occured if there are changes in color, the production of gas, or the formation of a precipitate. For instance, the rusting of iron is an example of a chemical reaction between air and the iron. --Sierra Rackley

  2. Congratulations for being the first one in your class to respond to my blog. You said rusting of iron is an example of chemical reaction. Which one of the evidences, you mentioned, will prove this?

  3. A chemical reaction is when one or more reactants changes into one or more products. When a chemical reaction occurs one observes the formation of a precipate, the transfer of energy,the production of a gas, and a change in color. For example, Baking Soda and Vinegar. When these 2 substances are mixed the formation of a precipate occurs.

  4. Shatema Paige
    A Chemical Reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances to another, meaning that one or more substances is changed into one or more substances. Evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred includes: changes in color, the transfer of energy (heat/light), the formation of a precipitate, and the production of a gas. For example, when magnesium wire is heated energy is transferred. Evidence of this energy is the emission of a bright light.

  5. A chemical reaction is a process where one or more reactants combine to create one or more products. You will know a reaction has occured because they are accompanied by a change in temperature or a change in color. An example would be when carbon, which is black, is combined with hydrogen and oxygen, which are colorless, to form white sugar.
    -Darien Thomas

  6. Tracey,
    Is it possible for you to observation for precipitate formation during the mixing of baking soda and vinegar? Post a comment again after your observation.

  7. Darien,

    Is it possible for you to do little more research for the preparation of sugar? Are sugars are prepared by mixing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen together?

  8. Brandon Smith,
    A Chemical reaction, as my peers have stated, is a reaction that produces one or more new substances, however, energy is released or absorbed, but there is not change in molecular wieght. You can determine a chemical reaction by heat or light emission, a precipitate forming, formation of gasses, or color change. An example to prove this is occurs when baking soda and vineagar are combined and the acetic acid reacts with sodium bicarbonate to form carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is unstable, and it immediately falls apart into carbon dioxide and water. The bubbles you see from the reaction come from the carbon dioxide escaping the solution that is left. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air, so, it flows almost like water when it overflows the container.

  9. Amanda Barnes
    A chemical reaction is when one or more substances react to produce one or more new substances. Evidence that a chemical reaction has occured is if energy has been transfered, a change in color, the production of a gas, or the formation of a precipitate. For example when photosynthesis occurs.

  10. A chemical reaction is when one or more reactants changes into one or more products. evidence that a chemical reaction has occured is Na+Cl=NaCl= Table salt. Which the apperance of the sodium, which is a metal, and the Cl which is a gas changes the apperance and substance into an edible product, which we commonly use.

  11. A chemical reaction is the product of two or more substances (reactants). The atoms in the reactants are re-arranged but never created nor destroyed as according to the law of conservation of mass. Chemical changes can bring upon the formation of precipitate at the bottom of the substance, give off a gas or smell, or even change color. Like Sierra said when a nail rusts the reaction is between the iron in the steel nail and the oxygen in the air.

  12. Tyra Tigner.
    A chemical reaction is when 2 or more substances bond to form 1 or more new substances. You know when this has happen becuase you will relieze a change in its physical features. Such as the way it looks and how it smells differently. An example of a chemical reaction is mixing water and alka-selter which forms fizz.

  13. A chemical reaction is when one or more subtance react to become a new substance, you know that a chemical reaction has taken place when the color changes, gas is released,a new substance formed, and heat is gained or lost.An example would be a nail rusting

  14. Jakima,
    A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances to another.You would know if a chemical reaction takes place if the color changes, gas is released, a new substance is formed, and heat is gained or lost.An example would be mixing baking soda and vinegar.

  15. ~Jasmine Reese~

    A chemical reaction is a process in which atoms of the same or different elements rearrange themselves to form a new substance while either absorbing heat or giving it off. You can see that a chemical reaction has occured if there is a color change, transfer of energy, gas production, or the formation of a precipitate. For example, the burning of wood is a chemical reaction. You can say this because it has one of the characteristics of a chemical reaction; giving off heat. There is also a transfer of energy.

  16. Tyler McCrary:
    A chemical reaction is the production of a new substance from one or more reactants. The formation of a precipitate, the transfer of energy, a change in color, and the release of gas lets you know that a chemical reaction has taken place. An example would be when milk separates while it is being produced.

  17. Chemical reaction is basically a change in substance and a change in energy. As matter is neither created nor destroyed but only changed. One great example of a chemical reaction that i know alot of people do is mixing baking soda with vinegar. When you mix these two substances together they create a huge foam type reaction. After doing a science fair project about reactions i found out that some of the chemical bonds between atoms are broken and the atoms are rearranged.

  18. Natalegie, what is that huge foam and how this is related to identification of reaction?

  19. Tyler, need more clarity in your example. Explain milk production as.... and why?

  20. Jakima, you mentioned an example for chemical reaction however did mention the evidence for the chemical reaction.

  21. A chemical reaction is when one or more substances are changed into another substance. You can tell when a chemical reaction has taken place when there is a color change, when gas is release,when a new substance forming, and heat gain or loss. An example of chemical reaction is when you burn a paper.

  22. A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances are changed into others. The signs of a chemical reaction occurring or already have occurred is color change, formation of gas, or the forming of a precipate. A chemical reaction example would be CuCl2+Zn--ZnCl+CU. In this chemical equation the zinc is placed in a copper chloride solution and the zinc is mixed into the chloride while the particles from the zinc turn into copper. Benjamin Allen

  23. When a chemical reaction occurs, it can be described by an equation. This shows the chemicals that react, and the chemicals that they produce. The chemicals can be represented by their names or by their chemical symbols.You can tell when a chemical reaction has taken place because there is a color change, when gas is release,when a new substance forming, and heat gain or loss. An example can be burning wood or paper.
